
During the weekend, you will have the opportunity to participate in an optional Breakout, a session where we split into smaller groups led by passionate women who are enthusiastic about their heart issues, work, or hobbies! During registration, you will have the chance to choose which one you want to join. Learn more about the various Breakout options below!

Life I Long For

Rachel Terenius, doctor and pastoral care responsible at Livets Ord, invites you to a breakout about feeling well and having the strength to take care of your body and soul in a time of stress. Does God care about how I take care of my body? About sacred habits for ordinary people.

Flower Workshop

Are you interested in color, form, and flowers, and do you want to share a creative moment with a lovely group of girls? Then, this is a breakout for you where you get to be creative and create something beautiful.

Young Girl - The Father's Love

Welcome to a Breakout for you who are young girls! Come and meet other young girls and enjoy a delightful community. Janette Oubrechtova from the Czech Republic will also share her testimony with us!


Welcome to dance linedance! Whether you have never danced before or are experienced in linedance, this class is for you. Linedance represents one of the many American country & western dance styles. By dancing in lines, where participants stand beside or in front of and behind each other, we will learn together, have fun, and enjoy the sense of community in dancing!

Dare - From Dream to Reality

In this breakout session, you’ll have the opportunity to listen to Josephine Flatebö, the founder of Me & My House Store. Come and let yourself be inspired by her journey where ideas and creativity became reality, and where she dared to take the brave step out and pursue.

Life I Long For

Rachel Terenius, doctor and pastoral care responsible at Livets Ord, invites you to a breakout about feeling well and having the strength to take care of your body and soul in a time of stress. Does God care about how I take care of my body? About sacred habits for ordinary people.

Young Girl - The Father's Love

Welcome to a Breakout for you who are young girls! Come and meet other young girls and enjoy a delightful community. Janette Oubrechtova from the Czech Republic will also share her testimony with us!

Dare - From Dream to Reality

In this breakout session, you’ll have the opportunity to listen to Josephine Flatebö, the founder of Me & My House Store. Come and let yourself be inspired by her journey where ideas and creativity became reality, and where she dared to take the brave step out and pursue.

Flower Workshop

Are you interested in color, form, and flowers, and do you want to share a creative moment with a lovely group of girls? Then, this is a breakout for you where you get to be creative and create something beautiful.


Welcome to dance linedance! Whether you have never danced before or are experienced in linedance, this class is for you. Linedance represents one of the many American country & western dance styles. By dancing in lines, where participants stand beside or in front of and behind each other, we will learn together, have fun, and enjoy the sense of community in dancing!